It is a changing world and everyone is quite aware of that. Gone are the days when everything was done without technology. In the ancient times, it was hard, or almost impossible to alter the natural attributes of living things. Technology today has changed everything and it is now possible and easy to alter a living organism’s DNA structure, thanks to Genetic Engineering.
Questions have even though popped about how ethical the process is. So is it ethical to change the structure of a living organism’s DNA? It has enabled molecular biologists to explore some enzymes which can easily alter the DNA structure of a living thing, facilitated by cutting specific genes from DNA and customizing the genes to a different DNA structure.
The work is done in specialized laboratories and has made it possible for the regeneration of new organisms from already existing ones. Information Technology has played a major role in the above mentioned procedure since it has allowed for research and teleporting, in that scientists can work from their remote sites and areas and through teleconferencing and teleworking then they can link up with their peers and do a great job unlimited of distance.
Therefore, it is the highest time we all appreciated ICT in general for being a backbone in the scientific work. Biology has played another major role in ensuring that the work runs smoothly since it looks deeper into the study of living organisms. It has as well touched in detail the related fields of biobusiness, research in clinics and several diagnosis as well as drug discovery in general, most especially in the field of medicine, research and diagnosis. provides all essays this topic.