Clients can buy an essay from individual essay writers or agency essay writers.
Customers can buy an essay from these writers when they place an
order, which is paid before the delivery of the essay. Clients who
place and order to buy an essay have to provide the specific
instructions and topic requirements of the essay to the person or
agency providing the writing service.
Writing service agencies makes
it simple for clients to buy an essay than individual writers because
they are easily accessible online and are legally mandated to carry
out the job. In addition, writing service organizations have many and
qualified writers on different subjects making it possible for
clients who buy an essay to have a professional and qualified writer
on their subject to write their essays. Accordingly, clients who buy
an essay from a writing service company have the privilege to choose
their specific writer from a pool of different writers with similar
expertise on the essay topic. This option provided by writing service
agencies cannot be offered to a client who buy an essay from an
individual writer, because the writer is the only one providing the
writing service even if he or she is not professionally qualified on
the essay subject.
A client can buy an
essay from a writing service agency instead of an individual or
freelance writer because the writing service organization can
guarantee customer confidentiality and authenticity as well as
original writing through their advanced anti-plagiarism software,
which cannot be accessed by individual writers although they are
providing similar writing service. Freelance or individual writers
providing essay writing service to clients who can buy an essay
cannot guarantee originality of their work because they do not have
the huge capital required to buy the advanced anti-plagiarism